Thursday, October 3, 2019

Global Warming

Hello everyone Since I was a child I have hear about climate change, I must admit that I was dont care abaut it because I thought it was not real because I did not see it. When I grew up I understand  that it is something important because I can see the impacto f global worming: The level of the ocean is rising,  also the temperature of the earth, it does not rain in winter and all this makes me think that we should do something now. That is why I try to do small things to help, for example in my house we recycle and take it to a green point in my commune (Las Condes). I also try not to use plastics in  the fasts foods, I always turn off the lights, I take care of the water consumption, when I go to the University by car I call my classmates to go with me and not occupy a car for me only. I think with little things I can help with something about that. But, there is a topic that makes me happy, I feel that young people are really interested in changing the way we live, so I feel that we are helping the world

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