Thursday, June 13, 2019

Hello everyone! 

Uff ! Im so tired because the term is almost to end! 

I wanted to comment that this year is my last for my graduation, and this term was very hard to me because I have 8 subjects, also I´m a "helper" of one subject called "procesos enológicos" and as if that were not enough I am working on my "tesis".

Among all my subjects I have two that are my favorite, they are called: " análisis sensorial" and " vinificación" .
In "vinificacion" we have theoretical classes but also we visit many vines. This term we go to 5 diferents vines. Where they teach us about their processes and in the end of the visit we can tastings theirs wines. This is why I had to miss several Tuesdays to my English classes UPS! because in many taime we retourn to facultad in the afternoon.

The best thing about this subject is that we organize a trip to argentina to visit different vines in that country to be able to compare with vines of chile. This is not obligatory but it´s always a good experience.
Hello everyone:

Today I going to talking about website.

I tell you that the truth is I never visit a webside or youtube constantly. I don´t have one favourite website but, I'm always looking all of things on Instagram. Every day I check at least five times Instagram, I see pictures of friends but I also follow shops or profiles about agronomy things.

I really like the topic related to agroindustry, especially the production of wines and olive oil. so today I'm going to tell you about one of these topics that I follow on my social network , the name is Olive_oil_store on instagram. On this page they sell the Deleyda olive oil, this oil have very high quality. In this page they also give information on the benefits of olive oil, they upload several pictures about oil production or olive plantations and this are very nice to see. Well, Instagram is an immediate social network, I visit this site every day because every time they upload a new photo, it automatically appears on my instragram

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Hello everyone!

Today I´m going to talking obout Permaculture.

The Permaculture is the Philosophy to work whit and not against the nature.  This topic is very imortant  because we need do an agriculture more sustainable. ¿¡ How we can do it!? It´s aesy because Permaculture consist to use some rules to grow the soil, some examples are: capture and store energy, stop producing toxics waste,  use and value natural services and resource.
Is so interesting look how you can use the good way to producing food to the humans. Actually the natural resources in the planet are ending. The new geneations not going have food in the future and I think now the humans are becoming aware about that.
In Chile I think this method to grow the soil is completely possible because we have all the tools to made it! we have many natural resource and  many areas whit good soil to grow! only missing the people want to do it