Thursday, September 26, 2019

My pets

Hi all!

This topic is one of mi favorite because I really love pets, all of them, especially  cats and dogs. In my family always we have cats because my Mother does not like dogs but love cats. When I was a child I had a cat I rellally love it I felt it was my sister. Its lived whit my family about 12 years and died like 7 years ago. Its was terrible for my and I thought would never have another pet again. But a few moth after   a cat from the street (without an owner) came to my house and had baby cats on the roof of my house, took all of them out of my house except for one, so my family decided to adopt it, take care and give it a lot of love, my Sister decided the name: BISTEC. This year, in April, my grandparents give me a baby cat, It was only 3 months old and It is totally adorable. I decided the name: MANDARINO, so now we have 2 new members cats in my family.